About Me
Ph.D. student (March 2020 - Present)
Network and Security Research Lab
School of Cyber security
Korea University
Seoul, Republic of Korea
- Korea University, Seoul, Republic of Korea (Mar 2020 - Present)
- Ph.D. student in Cybersecurity, School of Cybersecurity
- Korea University, Seoul, Republic of Korea (Mar 2015 - Feb 2019)
- B.Eng. in Dept. of Cyber Defense (CYDF), Division of Information Security
- Summa Cum Laude
Work Experience
- Cyber Officer at the R.O.K. Cyber Operations Command (Aug 2019 - Present)
- Cyber Officer, ROK Air Force
- Research Intern at NetLab, Korea University (Jul 2018 - Dec 2019)
- Advisor: Prof. Wonjun Lee
Teaching Experience
- Wireless Networks, Teaching Assistant, Korea University, Seoul, Republic of Korea (2019 Fall)
- Computer Networks, Teaching Assistant, Korea University, Seoul, Republic of Korea (2019 Spring)
Research Interests
- Federated Learning in cloud-edge network
- DL for Network Intrusion Detection Systems
- Hyejeong Jeong, Jieun Yu and Wonjun Lee, “A Semi-Supervised Approach for Network Intrusion Detection Using Generative Adversarial Networks,” in Proc. of IEEE International Conference on Computer Communications (INFOCOM) - Poster Session, May. 2021.